World Vision Club

GI ET11000 4K, GI ET7000 Mini, Xtrend ET9000,9200 HD Twin, Xtrend ET5000,6000 HD => Xtrend ET5000 HD => имиджи => Тема начата: ooolexa от 06 Март 2012, 10:36:19

Название: SifTeam Enigma2 Koala Xtrend ET5000
Отправлено: ooolexa от 06 Март 2012, 10:36:19
Имидж от команды SifTeam




1)Moved to enigma2 openpli project (thank you openpli team)
2)Sifteam cloud system (You can connect your sifteam forum account on your stb, in the future release you can backup your image,share channels settings etc etc in your personal account storage)
3)New Graphic skin. Thank you so much to daconi.
4)Redisegned SifTeam Panel Menu
5)Redesigned Software Manager.Added possibility to rank your favourite plugin, you can consult top rated,most downloaded plugin etc etc
6)Added Bouquets and Channels Menu. Now you can download your favourite channel list settings.
7)Exclusive possibility to use Original Sky Ita channel list numeration starting from number 100 like skybox stb
8)Added OpenWebIf
9)New System to detect and install Usb devices
10)Many fixes to Mount Disk manager
11)Added Temporary-Static Mount.
12)Added uuid use on fstab
13)Support autoresize for picons (100x60 e 130x80)
14)Airplay Server coming soon






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Название: SifTeam Enigma2 Koala Xtrend ET5000
Отправлено: Макс от 24 Март 2012, 13:48:16
Поставил, спасибо
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