HD Glass 16 ver. 11.56
- updated enhanced weather translations: sk, cz, en, et, lt
- updated pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt
- help updated in download
- fix autocenter of extra screens by enigma (all types)
- added detection of Constant CW (after restore icons type will be set to default
type 1, so after update and autorestore you must download icons and previews
and then set/select your prefered icons type)
- OTHERS: added Path to configuration file of HDG
- CHANNEL SELECTION: added options - Service name font size,Service info font
size, Line height, Extendted description font size
- added new option: Reset all settings of HDG
- OTHERS: removed options - EPG selection type, font event act. and next
- added new section: EPG SELECTION
- EPG SELECTION: added - EPG selection type, Extendted description font size
- ENHANCED WEATHER/WEATHER: fix displaying of colors for warm and cold
temperature (C <-> F)
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added - temperature unit (C, F, from /etc/ewea_city_Code.txt)
- enhanced weather - removed change units, added Select City - it is possible to
add unlimited numbers of cities and choose for which will be weather displayed,
all cities are stored in /etc/ewea_city_Code.txt